Public Works
Public Works Department
Etna's Public Works Department consists of a Public Works Director and five crewmen. This department is mainly responsible for the maintenance and repair of borough streets and sewer lines, as well as salting and plowing the borough streets when necessary during the winter. However their work does not stop there! Our Public Works crew work diligiently on various projects within our community that strengthen Etna's sense of place each year. For example, our crews decorate Butler Street for the seasons, prepare and maintain our beloved swimming pool,...
In our efforts to provide more reliable communications with Residents (and Businesses) in the borough, we have implemented Rave Mobile Safety. as our Emergency Notification service provider.Rave, in its simplest form, is a system that makes phone calls to specific people or areas in the event of an emergency or for sharing important information. All the calls you receive will have the Caller ID of 'Etna Borough'.If you are not receiving these calls, please click the link for Rave Mobile Safety to add or update your contact information. You may also remove yourself from our lists.Please tune...
Special Needs Registry
Allegheny County Emergency Management Agency's Special Needs Registry allows residents with physical, mental health or intellectual disabilities to provide information to the Department of Emergency Services. This voluntary information may then be shared with those responding to a home for a police, fire or medical emergency. The Special Needs Registry is intended only for those who live independently and not in a residential needs facility such as a nursing home or group home. The Special Needs Registry can be found at the County’s website at Information...
Applications For Appeal
Building & Property Maintenance Appeal Form
Zoning Variance Application
Variances Application Information Sheet
Borough Ordinances
Etna ORD 1091 (Occupancy Registration)
Etna ORD 1208 (ORD Penalties & Fines)
Etna ORD 1215 (Anti-Dumping Regulations)
Etna ORD 1230 (Tenant Registration by Landlord)
ORD 1272 Rental Inspections Reference Information
Senior Services
Etna Senior Center
Etna Commons
Additional Services
Etna Senior Center
49 Locust St, Pittsburgh, PA 15223
The Happening Place for Seniors - where is it? Right at the First Congregational Church on Walnut Street. This Center is sponsored by the County of Allegheny - Department of Aging and the Borough of Etna. Allegheny County provides free lunches daily as well as other administration guidance through the Northern Area Multi Services, and the...
Allegheny County Vacant Property Program
Etna Borough participates in the Allegheny County Vacant Property Program. Through this program, you can obtain either a vacant lot or a vacant structure that has at least three years of tax delinquency. Applicants must be current on taxes, water, sewage, and refuse bills on all properties owned in Allegheny County. They also must not have any code outstanding code violations or municipal liens on all properties owned in Allegheny County. You can find the application with guidelines below. Any questions, please call the Borough Office.
All property owners are required to pay real estate taxes on the real estate they own in Etna Borough whether it is vacant or developed. Exceptions to this are those properties that Allegheny County deems exempt from real estate taxes. Allegheny County is also responsible for the assessment values placed on individual parcels. For more information regarding assessments, visit the Allegheny County Office of Property Assessments website
Etna Tax Collector
The Etna Borough Tax Collector is responsible for the billing and collection of Etna Borough and the Shaler Area School District real estate...
Etna Police Department
Police Chief: Timothy Rodman
Non-Emergency Numbers:
Hours: M-F 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Etna Police Station: 412-781-6271
After 3:00 p.m. Allegheny County 911, 412-473-3056
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After Hours Emergency: (412) 486-4867, option 3
Water service is provided by the Hampton Shaler Water Authority under an agreement reached in 2013. To set up new service, change a billing address please contact Hampton Shaler Water Authority (HSWA) at 412-486-4867 or send the correspondence to HSWA, PO Box 66, Allison Park, PA 15101. Bill payments can be mailed to: HSWA, P.O. Box 644391, Pittsburgh, PA 15264-4391 If you would like to set up authorization for direct payment, please visit For after hour water emergencies, please call...