Community Pool

2025 Pool Season


The pool will open on daily from Noon to 7 p.m. For everyone's safety, the Borough will close the pool if it is raining. As with seasonal pass purchases, daily pass customers will be required to provide proof of residency/address.

Etna Borough Pool And Playground Rules And Regulations

  • The metal admittance tag must be sewn on the lower left side of the bathing suit.  There are no exceptions to this rule.  Otherwise, bathers will not be admitted to the pool.  It will cost $3.00 to replace a lost tag.  All tags reported lost will be reported to the admittance staff.  Anyone entering with a reported lost tag will be ejected from the pool.

  • Please be certain your child, while at the playground or pool, knows where you can be reached in the event of an emergency.  If the child is injured and needs a doctor, the staff or Borough Police will get the child to a doctor available at that time.  In the past, there were times when a child was injured and did not know where his or her parents were.

  • Please make sure your child knows where to go in case the pool is closed due to rain.  There will be no refunds or rain checks given in the event of rain.

  • Do not permit your child to go swimming if he or she has any skin disease, mouth disease, sore throat or deep cuts – bandaged or not, nor too soon after eating.  Children in diapers will not be permitted in the pool unless a tight fitting outer covering, plastic or rubber, is worn.  All children eight years old and under must be accompanied by an individual 13 years or older.

  • Instruct your child that the playground and pool personnel are there for their protection and their orders must be followed, otherwise the child will be asked to leave the premises.  Legal action will be initiated against those who are flagrant violators. If repeat offenses occur, police will be notified and an offender could be banned from the playground/pool for the season and or maybe face criminal charges.

  • Tell your child not to bring valuables to the pool.  The Borough is not responsible for lost items.

  • The Borough will not be responsible for stolen bicycles or damage to them.

  • Food and/or beverages are not permitted in the pool area.

  • Do not wear makeup or skin oil.  This will help make the filters and chlorinators operate more efficiently.  No chewing gum.

  • Swimming aids such as inner tubes, beach balls, floats, etc. will not be permitted in the pool.  Pushing, dunking, and games of tag are prohibited.

  • Animals are not permitted in the pool or playground.

  • Both pool & playground are Tobacco Free facilities.  Please observe the smoking area outside the playground entrance on Pine Street.

  • Use of Narcotics and Alcoholic Beverages within any area of the facility is Strictly Prohibited. The Etna Police will be contacted immediately and violator will be ejected.

  • Eyeglasses (including sunglasses) with safety lenses will be permitted in the shallow end of the pool (not beyond the four foot marker) and patrons wearing them do so at their own risk.

  • There are video cameras recording as the playground and swimming pool are under surveillance 24 hours a day.

Pool Slide Rules

  • No head-first sliding.

  • Strong swimming ability required.

  • Non-swimmers NOT permitted.

  • Parental or Adult Supervision recommended.

  • DO NOT use this slide while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

  • One rider at a time.  Wait until landing area is clear before entering the slide.

  • No rotating, tumbling or stopping in the flume.

  • Forming “Chains” is prohibited.

  • Leave landing area immediately.

  • Enter pool feet first.

  • Riders must be laying down with feet and arms crossed.

Your cooperation in making this season safe and enjoyable for your child will be appreciated.  Each dollar spent for the recreation and well being of your child is worthwhile.

If you have any questions regarding the rules and regulations, please call the Etna Borough Office at: 412-781-0569.

Swimming Pool Schedule

The Clarence Fugh Memorial Park and Pool officially opens the Saturday before Memorial Day each year, and closes the first day of the new School Year.  Hours are from Noon to 7:00 p.m. 

Daily admission is $6.00 for Etna residents and $8.00 for non-residents. PROOF OF RESIDENCY REQUIRED. There will be a twilight rate of $3.00 after 5:00 p.m. on weekdays. Season rates are as follows: 

Etna Residents
Family Season Pass $150.00
Individual Season Pass $105.00
Senior Citizens, 65 years and older FREE*
*Etna Residents Only
Shaler Area & Fox Chapel School District Residents
Family Season Pass $190.00
Individual Season Pass $120.00
All seasonal passes require proof of residency at the time of purchase and only include year round residents of the household. Children under the age of 8 must be accompanied by an individual 13 years or older. These rules will be strictly enforced.

Water Aerobics Schedule

During the summer when the pool is open, Water Aerobics are held every Tuesday and Thursday evening from 7:00p.m. (right after the pool closes to the general public) to 8:00p.m. Cost is $5.00 for non-pass holders, $3.00 for season pass holders, and $1.00 for Seniors with a valid pool pass.

New for 2023, Scuba Diving Lessons!

Open Water Diver - Learn to Dive! 

In coordination with Mars Scuba, a PADI Scuba Class is being offered this summer! Ages 10+ Class 1 begins July 24 and runs Monday & Wednesday through August 2; Class 2 begins August 21 and runs Monday & Wednesdays through August 30. Click HERE to learn more and sign up! 

437 Butler St., Pittsburgh, PA 15223   I      (412) 781-0569

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