Garden of Etna

The Garden of Etna was established in 2011 through a partnership with the Glenshaw Presbyterian Church/Calvert Memorial Presbyterian Church, with grant funding that the Borough received from the Allegheny County Health Department. The grant established dual functions of the garden by providing residential garden growing access to residents in Etna, as well as four large garden beds that are used solely to provide fresh vegetables to the Bread of Life Food Pantry in Etna. This garden is managed by an incredible group of volunteers under the leadership of Tom Quigley, Garden Coordinator. Tom had approached the Borough those many years ago with the idea of establishing this garden to help the Bread of Life Food Pantry located at the Calvert Church. Since the establishment of the Garden, this group has continued to “grow” the gardens capabilities through partnerships with the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy that brought the addition of berry plants, and the rehabilitation of existing assets. Other partnerships have also assisted in the expansion of the Garden including the addition of the Garden of Etna Gazebo through Eagle Scout Joe Lennon in 2015. Through the establishment of the Triboro with our neighbors in Millvale and Sharpsburg, Etna was able to add a solarized carport complete with two electric car charging stations, free to anyone wishing to charge their car. In partnership with the Food Champions from the Etna Community Organization (ECO), the garden continues to expand, providing cooking classes, container gardening and small event hosting.

Award Winning Gardens

  • Garden Award

  • Bell Garden

  • Mural Award

  • Mural Garden

  • War Memorial Garden

  • Komen Garden

  • Fireman's Garden

  • Fugh Hall Garden

  • Rt. 8 Garden

  • Bette Davis Garden

  • Clock Garden

  • Jayne Mansfield Garden

  • Joan Crawford Garden

  • Mae West Garden

  • Marilyn Monroe Garden

  • Marlene Dietrich Garden

Protecting Bees in Your Garden

There has been a lot of publicity lately about the use of pesticides in your gardens which is affecting our honey bee population. Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is a phenomenon in which worker honey bees from a hive or bee colony abruptly disappear. If you can avoid using neonicotinoids in your lawns and gardens now, think how many bee colonies you may be able to save. Read your labels: look out for imidacloprid, acetamiprid, dinotefuran, clothianidin, and thiamethoxam.

When purchasing plants, ask nursery or garden center staff whether they were treated with neonicotinoids.

Sometimes, there is actually one of those little plastic tags in the plants telling you this. Bees are exposed to neonicotinoids in many ways, including contact with spray residue on plants or by eating contaminated pollen or nectar. Even when used carefully, according to printed label instructions, bees can be exposed to lethal doses of these pesticides. When exposed to very small amounts of neonicotinoids, bumble bee colonies grow more slowly and produce fewer queens. Slight honey bee exposure can impair their ability to fly, navigate and forage for food. There is a direct correlation between humans and bees. Bees pollinate our crops so that we have food!!! The choice is up to you!

Garden Tips

Here are some tips to help make those plans more environmentally friendly!   Keep your lawn areas thick and healthy and don’t cut too close to the ground.  Mulch your flower beds to hold that water.  You can install grass alternatives like ground cover, plants, shrubs, trees and perennials to decrease stormwater runoff and pollutants, like fertilizer and herbicides, especially in areas with highly erodible soils and steep slopes.  If you must fertilize, use slow release fertilizers or better yet, till some compost into your lawn.  Looking for guidance on plants?   We have informational sheets from the Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania that could help.  There are sheets on Establishing a Native Meadow; Attracting Butterflies to Your Garden and  Deer Resistant Plants in the lobby of the municipal building.  Remember, never fertilize before a rainstorm as the stormwater will carry those pollutants into our storm drains and then into our waterways!   

437 Butler St., Pittsburgh, PA 15223   I      (412) 781-0569

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